Yesterday, I popped into Trent’s just to see what all he had done in a nights’ time, and it was no surprise that he was already pretty far along with the disassembly. The seats were removed, rear interior paneling removed, and he was working on disconnecting the very last wire in the car.
Trent showed me some issues that were potentially causing some of my engine trouble; no ground from engine to the body and no ground from the body to the battery. The cheap, chinese knock-off distributor was also loosely connected. This is where my buddy Gadget comes into play, he just so happened to be in the area and also popped over. Gadget suggested entertaining the idea of installing a HEI style distributor from the early 80’s Chevy pickups. I haven’t grabbed one yet, but I will be soon so we could also eliminate another cheap-looking and most likely knock-off coil. Here is the engine bay stripped of its wiring and old battery tray; the new battery will be installed in the trunk.
Peeling back the interior panels revealed that the cars’ original color was that sky blue. I’m not sure why the front-end was changed, but the colors from those components were gold…along with the trunk lid. We removed the seats and hacked radio bezel. The rear package tray was also hacked, possibly to install speakers. The kick panels were that of the same hack job.
Trent started unboxing the American Autowire kit just as I was leaving so I can only assume that he has started on it by now. I can’t wait to see the progress.