If you’re in California or are keeping up with the news then you might’ve seen the recent PG&E PSPS crisis + wildfires we’ve been facing. When this event was in full effect I reached out to Guayaki because I knew it would be the healthy source of energy to keep my crew focused and alert as we worked 12-14hr shifts to insure we kept delivering water to our community.

The most recent PG&E PSPS tested our abilities here at the City of Vallejo. My department (Water - Facilities) lead by John Palesi, worked 24hrs around the clock with 12-14hr alternating shifts, keeping power at all water facilities and monitoring pump efficiency at several pumping stations not just within Vallejo's city limits, but also our pump stations and treatment plants in the Green Valley/Fairfield and Travis AFB areas. If the PSPS wasn't stressful enough, we also endured multiple sizable fires simultaneously. Through this chaotic experience, John executed a bulletproof plan of attack to insure our customers and first-responders would not be without water for 1 second of any day. 

John’s response, “Having the correct mindset, dedication, and support of a crew willing to go above and beyond makes the leadership easy. Without the crew all of the planning and leadership is just an idea. this group plus several missing, executed and performed with clear thought and endless energy with the help of Guayakí Yerba Mate to keep us pushing though the 14+hr stress filled days. Thank you.”

Thank you Guayakí!
