It seems like just yesterday, but was actually many years ago, I was visiting one of my favorite lunch locations in Sonoma, CA (Carneros Deli), and tried the Guayaki Yerba Mate beverage for my first time. My friends Trent and Crick urged me to try one of the bottled flavors so I chose Pomegranate and Passion. I specifically remembering getting 2 drinks along with 2 sandwiches (I have a big appetite), and drinking both bottles back to back. I heard Crick say, “You know those give you energy right?”. From that day forth; I was hooked! The feeling the Yerba Mate gave me wasn’t like any other feeling I’ve received from a beverage. The absence of carbonation, no ‘crash’ feeling, and vibrant taste can’t be beat in my opinion.


Yerba mate has the strength of coffee, the health benefits of tea, and the euphoria of chocolate, all in one beverage. Of the six commonly used stimulants in the world: coffee, tea, kola, cocoa, and guarana, yerba mate triumphs as the most balanced and healthful while it stimulates. - Yerba Mate


It wasn’t until about 2 years ago where I started picking up a Yerba Mate everyday before work and sometimes on weekends; co-workers were consistently asking what I was drinking and If it really worked as an energy source. I emphasized to them the pros that this beverage carries and sooner than later I could see some of my co-workers walking in in the morning with that signature yellow can in hand.


Guayaki is passionate about supporting individuals and organizations who are making positive change in their communities. I’m going to start collaborating with Guayaki to help spread their regenerative vision and to contribute content to their social media channels. There’s so much power in visual storytelling through social media these days and I’m stoked to work with Guayaki to help spread the good word!

I’m humbled to be a part of the Guayaki team to further promote a product I stand 110% behind. Thank you for this opportunity.