Balancing new and old releases can be a chore, but when you have to battle those two categories plus your passion of building auto-projects…it’s a nightmare. I owe all of these pickups to the community and those of you I’ve met through the social channels. Those who know me well, know my ‘hit list’ and are keeping eyes out, and I appreciate that greatly. 2018 closed out with a BANG, a pair that would put a close to my 998 collection. Next year will be fairly dry as I plan to purchase my first home, and continue my auto projects.
993KA: Motorcylces and NB's? Who would've thunk it? I was blessed by fellow TeamNB member; Nicolas D. when he contacted me asking if I wanted these beauties. Nicolas actually acquired these from TeamNB member; Dennis, so it was good to keep this within the family. Nicolas claimed they were bad luck for him (he told me the story, and I would have to agree on how he came to this conclusion). Thanks again Nico for the sweet deal + gift you sent with these. Do you think NB should've kept the motorcycle theme going with the 993? Ducati? Repsol? I think they would've been a hit!
JCrew Sample 998: You've all heard me rave about Kainoa's generosity, and this is no exception. Kainoa knew I was highly interested in these JCrew sample 998's so when he was ready to sell, he contacted me, and there was almost an instant PP payment sent to him. These could've been one of the best colorways JCrew could've released in my opinion. This is my FIRST sample EVER!!!! Since my early days of collecting, I always wanted a sample, but naturally my foot was too large for most...until now. Thank you Kainoa for a sick pair!
990RS: So I was standing in-line at NB SF awaiting the release for the 990 'Legend', and here comes a gentleman by the name of Eko; I looked down and saw a pair I've been hunting for years, the 990RS. I've never seen them in-person, on Instagram, or any other social outlet. I began to converse with Eko, trying to persuade him to sell them right then and there, but it seemed like I wasn't getting anywhere. Before it was time to grab our Legend's, Eko and I exchanged numbers and about 3-4 weeks later he texted me. We arranged a meetup, and the purchase happened! I picked them up, cleaned em, and now I'm 1 more pair closer to completing this pack. Thanks again Eko for allowing me to own these sweet raspberry beauties.
993GRL: Being in TeamNB has blessed me on so many levels, it goes deeper than shoes, we are all good friends and I think it'd be safe to say if any of us were in the area of each other that we'd have a place to crash. TeamNB member Scott G., had these Green Lantern edition 993 sitting on ice because they were too big for him, so he hit me up asking if they'd be a good addition to my 99X collection. Unfortunately at the time of contact I didn't have the funds he desired, but he agreed to hold them until I was ready. I've still yet to wear them, but when I Thanks again Scott!
990BON: Blair M. was the first person I've seen with this classic 990v2 colorway; I searched and searched and could never find them (not even in smaller sizes). They were like a fictional unicorn. One day I was searching one of the many NB group pages on Facebook and there they were! Across the pond, and owned by someone who worked at a famous footwear boutique in Australia. Little communication needed to happen, before this lovely pair fell flat in my lap. Thanks again man…you know who you are!
998GL: WOW….just WOW. They’re finally mine. I’ve seen 2 of these in a sz11; one pair being worn heavily and beat, and the other being gently worn and well taken care of. Marcel J was the keeper of this beautiful pair, and every so often I’d message him asking to sell, but the answer would always stay as a ‘no’. Shortly before Christmas, Marcel contacted me saying he was selling and he wanted them to go to someone in the circle. This was a great way to close the year out, as this pair would end my hunting list for the 998 model. Thank you Marcel!
No matter the status of being iconic, rare, common etc. it is a sense of thrill chasing them down in your size. It can be disappointing to find them .5 smaller or bigger, but when they’re your size, a great excitement comes over you. I’m privileged to have the community look out for me and keep me in mind as I try to do the same when brought to my attention. Thank you all who made these possible, I hope to one day return the favor to you.