Who says it's hard to make new friends?
Recently I had the good fortune of meeting a new friend, David Blackmon of The Ivy Brand. Social Media, for all its downsides, is great at connecting you with people that share your interests & hobbies, and my connection with Blackmon is no exception. From similar passions for sneakers (mostly New Balance) to cars, I’ve managed to find a connection with someone nearly 3,000 miles away.
When you share a connection with someone who has similar tastes and creative instincts you're bound to end up creating something cool together. So in the spirit of our New Haven to San Francisco connection, I and Ivy have teamed up for this limited release hoodie.
This hoodie offers the three-letter airport codes of our respective local airports screen-printed in a prominent gold and black across the back shoulders. The left from pocket features a high-quality embroidered gold and black IVY and Robert Ljuba insignia. Offered in three unique colors, this hoodie honors friendship and the connections we make from Coast to Coast.
Though the backstory you just read was written by D. Blackmon; it holds true for both of us. It is rare you connect with genuine people via social media, but when you do; you tend to keep that connection going and if you’re lucky you’ll end up finding out you have more than one thing in common. This was the exact case with David and I; and this project is a result of that.